Friday, January 7, 2011

Quick Takes Friday

Whew! Christmas break flew by for us. I am happy to report that my daughter amazed us and was a perfect angel (mostly) on both 4 hour plane rides. Although, now that I am thinking of it, she did steal food straight from the hands of a lady sitting next to us. Good thing she is so cute.

This most recent trip has reminded me how exhausting and stressful traveling is- especially with a little one! We arrived at the airport at 5:00 for a 6:00 flight and barely made the flight. We waited for 35 minutes just to check in at Southwest and then for another 10 minutes in security. Then there was the train ride to our gate. I didn't have time to put my shoes back on after security and must have looked comical (my hair frizzy and all over the place, running sock-footed up the escalators and through the airport with a small child, my husband trailing with our bags) because the flight attendant chuckled when I slapped down my ticket for his inspection.

Thinking of seeing this movie?
Forget it. It is awful. Somehow I missed the fact that it is rated "R", and usually (without any exceptions I can now think of) a romantic comedy with an "R" rating means disgusting, vulgar humor and nudity.

My husband has been battling the flu-plague has been going around. The upside is his voice sounds like Christian Bale's in "Batman Begins".

We had a great Christmas with the extended family. Since my daughter is the first and only grandchild right now, she got the royal treatment. There were so many camera flashes as she opened her first present, it looked like she was working the red carpet.

I love the Duggars. Have you seen their show? They make reality television look wholesome which is pretty impressive.

Speaking of TV shows, I have been dying to review a great one I found. Stay tuned for more.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. No fair leaving a cliffhanger for your number 7!
    I'm always on the lookout for another great show.
